Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Appraiser's gift of Ignorance Part II - KARMA

So, a few weeks ago I had a somewhat good experience with an appraiser (detailed in a previous post "the appraisers gift of ignorance"). Today Karma bit me!! See, the whole issue with appraisers is kind of like Realtors. They all talk a big game but most of them don't walk it. I had two appraisers on different transactions all claiming every delay excuse in the world. I was honestly just waiting on all of them to dry their hair (If you understand the joke). The new appraiser rules are not allowing the banks to pick or really even communicate with the actual appraiser. We all should understand why that is a necessity considering the Housing "Hubba Bubba". Now the banks have to call an independent appraisal house (I am calling them the pimps). They call they pick a name out of a hat and send the "chosen one" to the home you are going to buy or sell in order to appraise it. On both occasions the banks ordered the appraisals at least 3 weeks before they were needed. On both occasions neither delivered the complete appraisals in time- siting extreme peril and heartache in their lives as the cause for the delay ( most likely they were just on a boat somewhere on spring break). Since the banks cannot talk to the "chosen ones" I am certain that the information they require in their appraisals will not be complete because proper expectations have not been set. I hate telling a family they cannot move into their new home. The "chosen ones" now have business and for most of them that is a new concept. Either they don't know the area or they have no concern for the impact of their delays. I will "move on" (pun intended) but unfortunately I have four families that not only can't "move on" they cannot - fly back home to start a new chapter, unpack their moving van, install their new flooring, buy their next home, and two of them have to file an extension to file their taxes until the appraisers and lenders get their acts together!

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