Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I changed my mind - TAKE IT BACK!

Wow! What a great time everyone had at the barbeque! Wish everyone could have been there. We had around 60 people attend - the bounce house and the barbeque were the biggest hits of the night. The goal of the evening was to thank all of my clients for their continued support and loyalty. I know that it was a success!

The goal of any sale is the actual closing. The Buyers and the Sellers meeting at a predetermined location to exchange and sign many legal documents the most important of which is , well, the money. I have found that lending has definately tightened up substantially. I posted earlier some of the newer tiers of credit requirements.

My current frustration is focused on the lack of respect of the official contract. Buyers need to remember that when they put an offer on the table and it is accepted - IT IS A LEGAL CONTRACT! This document requires that you buy the home. If you change your mind you may be opening yourself up to a bunch of legal issues. Make certain this is the home for you before setting those expectations. If the inspection is that important to you ask if you can inspect the home prior to placing an offer on the home. You may loose more than just your earnest money if you back out!!

1 comment:

  1. ya, buyer should not make offer for the home, where they are not sure.
