Friday, March 13, 2009

Americans See 18% of Wealth Vanish - REALLY?

In a rash of further good news, S. Mitra Kalita with the Wall Street Journal helped bolster consumer confidence by breaking the "country is broke" story again. This breaking news was coupled with a heart wrenching story of a mom who had to tell her son he could not shop at Abercrombie & Fitch. Really?

Come on. We know already. We know.....

Now this has hit home -NO Abercrombie - this is the proverbial straw!

All joking aside - I marinate in this swell stew of pessimism every day. I'm tired and really need to let it out. Stop reporting the reported, let's proactively report optimisim. Let's try and focus our investments in solid value and quality backed products made in America . And finally, let's provide for and enjoy the blessings we've been given.

Buy a quality home with more land. Buy a home with Brick in a good location. More than anything lets take responsibility for our commitments and restore the American pride and will that we experienced briefly in 2001 and occasionally before each little league baseball game.

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